The TSCI Mission Statement
Tuscaloosa Sister Cities Commission, Inc. exists to promote long term, global people-to-people relationships through the development of international leadership, friendship and understanding. It seeks to facilitate productive partnerships with cultural, educational, and commercial entities. Tuscaloosa Sister Cities International provides an avenue for the people in each city to develop friendly and mutually beneficial personal and professional relationships, and to work together in facing the unique and diverse challenges and opportunities of the future.
The TSCI Board of Directors
The TSCI Board of Directors is a working board where each member takes the responsibility to contribute their time, talents, and effort to help make the mission of TSCI a reality. The commission meets on the second Wednesday of January, April, July and October in the Jemison Van-De Graaff Mansion. Between quarterly meetings, the executive committee meets on the second Wednesday of each month to handle matters requiring action other than by the director.
The Board members are:
Kip Tyner, Chairman
Greg Madrid, Finance Committee Chairman
Andrew Maxey, TCS Liaison
Lisa Keyes, Emeritus Executive Director
Matthew Feller
Yukiko Gilbert
Bernd Greimel
Chad K. Jackson
LaMonica Little
Cynthia E. Moore
Leigh Pate
Edel Revord
Christy Hayes Wilson
Megan Legerski
Shelley Dorrill, Executive Director